Featured Artists: Nikki Adams | Erika Cholich | Edith Cowlishaw | Christine Druitt Preston | Madeleine Tuckfield-Carrano.
With invited artist Caitlin Pluta and introducing the whimsical The Secret Conversation of Snow Yaks, Lauri Smith (sculptor).
07 – 29 September 2024
A Spring celebration ~ eternal flowers ~ joy for the soul.
Spring flowers are associated with remembered times both happy and poignant.
A renewal of memory and a sensory celebration of spring, each precious coddled petal or wildly flowering weed uniquely anticipates new life.
Cut flowers hold immediate and short lasting pleasures for the senses. In this flower show, paintings capture that moment through the eyes of the artist. Better than a photograph, painted blooms offer the subtle scent of memory, renewed each time in the looking.