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Summer Curation 2025

Image detail - David Manks: The Pool, 2024 Available Artsite Contemporary Galleries Sydney Australia.


Weekends: 15 February – 13 April 2025

Summer Curation 2025

Summer is the perfect time to take a pause and have a conversation with art.

Exhibiting artists include: Christine Druitt Preston, Judy Trick, Nikki Adams, Kerwayne Berry, Lisa Tomasetti, Francesca Raft, Madeleine Tuckfield-Carrano, David Manks, Claudio Valenti, Daniel Pata, Edith Cowlishaw and Caitlin Pluta.

This exhibition reflects not only works from our artists’ exhibitions in 2024, but also features some surprises that will intrigue the astute collector’s eye. In this Summer Curation 2025, we have included original limited edition prints and small works by Australia’s well-known artists, including Charles Blackman, Judy Cassab, Ray Crooke, Geoffrey Riccardo, Pamela Griffiths, Graham Fransella, Sally Morgan, George Milpurrurru, Francine Kulitja, Daniel O’Toole (Ears), and more… to mention just a few of the highly collectible works that have been hiding in the stockroom.

Image: David Manks: The Pool, 2024 (Detail), Oil on Birch Board. 84x84cm Framed.

All art is best viewed in person—not through secondhand social media posts or tiny, distorted online reproductions.
Art needs to be experienced in the real world; it cannot be properly appreciated without the experience of the “real”. 

The challenge is to face-off with a piece of art and allow that image to work its way into your understanding, resonating with your psyche.
Look with your eyes and let the work call to you. Art needs to be constantly revealing itself anew; each look should bring a fresh surprise—’Oh! I never noticed that before.’

Art communicates authenticity, it needs to be explored and not expose itself all at once on the first ‘date’. Over time an artwork develops a relationship with you, the viewer; revealing itself through contemplation and your growing understanding of the artist’s intention. Often, this is not just about looking; it also involves understanding what you as the viewer bring to the interpretation of the work from your own perspective.

It is a conversation, a friendship, that is renewed with each ‘seeing.’ This is for you to discover for yourself this Summer.

We are open Weekends from Saturday 15th February 2025.
Saturday – Sunday  11am to 5pm —  join us and take a look.