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Collectors Choice 2011

Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´s Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.
26 November - 11 December 2011 COLLECTORS CHOICE 2011. Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´ Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.


26 November – 11 December 2011


Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´ Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.

26 November - 11 December 2011 COLLECTORS CHOICE 2011. Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´ Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.
26 November - 11 December 2011 COLLECTORS CHOICE 2011. Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´ Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.
26 November - 11 December 2011 COLLECTORS CHOICE 2011. Collector´s Choice 2011 is Artsite Contemporary Galleries´ Annual Salon Christmas Exhibition honouring mentor, Anne Von Bertouch OAM (1915-2003), and featuring a superb exhibition of high quality works from local and internationally recognised Australian Contemporary Visual Artists, Artist Jewellers and invited guest Artists.

Gallery and invited Artists include: Julie Ashcroft | Ros Auld | Graham Austin | Kristine Ballard | Eva Maria Barry | Erika Beck | Kerwayne Berry | John Caldwell | Ian Chapman | Madeleine Chalfant Yates | Mieke Cohen | Edith Cowlishaw | Barbara Davidson | Angelika Erbsland | Dorothy Erickson | Xavier Ghazi | Jennifer Gowen | Robert Gribble | Greg Hansell | Margo Hoekstra | Jess Hooley | Jude Hotchkiss | Greg Hyde | Deborah Jenks | Carmen Ky | Peter Lindon | Graham Marchant | An Morison | Bernhardine Mueller | Mo Orkiszewski & Rod Morgan | Joan Palmer | Vicki Parish | Victoria Peel | Venita Salnajs | Denise Scholz-Wulfing | Randall Sinnamon* | Ross Skinner | Lindy Rose Smith | David van Nunen** | Marilyn Walters | April White | Sheila White | Tim Winters | Catherine Zimdahl.
*Courtesy Robin Gibson. **Courtesy Rex Livingston.

Historically a Salon exhibited paintings floor-to-ceiling and on every available inch of space. Artists and patrons jostled for attention amongst the Christmas cheer and collectors vied for purchase.

Collector´s Choice 2011 is an a smorgasbord of selected artworks from artists that have exhibited at Artsite Contemporary Galleries during 2011 with a tasty sampling of next year´s exhibition schedule and local artists the Gallery would like to introduce to our collectors.

Collector´s Choice is a multi artist exhibition celebrating the long history of acquisition and collection. New collectors and the more established will have an opportunity to purchase the known, the unusual and the truly surprising works in all media by respected and newly establishing Australian artists.