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Judy Trick



Judy Trick, first exhibited with Artsite in 2014 when gallery Curators invited her to exhibit in the annual Great Unknown, an exhibition of local under-represented Sydney artists. Since then, Judy has been invited to exhibit regularly with Artsite and is now a member of our represented artist family.

Judy Trick was an inveterate traveller, journeying around the globe with pen, pencil, and camera always at hand to record impressions of colour, movement and experience.
She has travelled extensively to both well travelled, and the less travelled, places of Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America and Oceania.

A long time resident of Sydney, Judy Trick recently made the move to the South Coast, where she has set up a new studio to concentrate on her painting. The South Coast is an area she has become familiar with over the years, developing relationships with locals and enjoying being part of a smaller community.

In Judy Tricks' work there is a sense of experimentation and repetition in her abstracted shapes and the layered patterning moving across the built up surfaces of her paintings.
The intensity of strong reds, yellows, blues often broken with subtle variations of oranges, purples and a stroke of almost acid green that intensifies the viewers response to her perception of the world as experienced.

In talking about her current work, Judy comments:

'I have travelled widely over many years, my sketchbooks and camera are companions that back in the studio guide my initial transpositions from memory to creation.  Experiment and representation lead to abstraction and symbolism.

As pigments were originally earth-sourced, I acknowledge the land in some of my choice of colour  (and inclusion of desert sand), the light of sky and reflection shimmer in intensity, liquidity of line run with river and water, flight paths are symbolic metaphors of the earth as a source of life and energy.

While many places are referenced: Kakadu and Litchfield National Parks, Katherine, Darwin and The Tiwi Islands, Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Kata Tjuta and Uluru, this is no travelogue but a transposition of place,

... an abstraction seeking the essence...'

Judy Trick, 2024

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